I can't take it when people go on and on about how much they weigh and what size jeans they wear! especially since they've lost alot of weight after years of taking up more air space.
Hello, do I look like a lesbian to u? and if i were one, i'd rather sleep with HER rather than you!
I'm not kidding, my friend just rants and rants about it everytime she speaks to me.Believe me, I wish she knew that I really don't care...and it doesn't ignite nething close to jeolousy.
Everything people care about here are so lame. I dont care about the latest JOE's and how well they fit..I don't really care about the new trend like street-dancing aerobics (whatever that is) to sound cool. EUGH! I could go on and on .
Be yourself and let it be. Straight up. Why do people have to go out of the way to prove things to others. My friends, except for 1 or 2 know JACK about me and what I like doing. I like it that way.
Apart from surfing the net, I was quite pleased that the new CFO and the new MD's wanted to have lunch with me before I leave!
The other Managers ... I don't want to begin...they suck. none of them even raised the issue to me. it's like I don't even exist. Thank God I won't have to waste any of my efforts for them.
Other than that, I can't stand my immediate boss and the rest. They are so Anal and condescending. I feel like I'm in high school all over again because it's about the cool/uncool culture. Get over it.
Like the highschool geeks are overachievers at this place and act like theyre the coolest in the investment world, hangin till late, and I'm the one with the attitude problem because I actually have a life after work.
Hello, do I look like a lesbian to u? and if i were one, i'd rather sleep with HER rather than you!
I'm not kidding, my friend just rants and rants about it everytime she speaks to me.Believe me, I wish she knew that I really don't care...and it doesn't ignite nething close to jeolousy.
Everything people care about here are so lame. I dont care about the latest JOE's and how well they fit..I don't really care about the new trend like street-dancing aerobics (whatever that is) to sound cool. EUGH! I could go on and on .
Be yourself and let it be. Straight up. Why do people have to go out of the way to prove things to others. My friends, except for 1 or 2 know JACK about me and what I like doing. I like it that way.
Apart from surfing the net, I was quite pleased that the new CFO and the new MD's wanted to have lunch with me before I leave!
The other Managers ... I don't want to begin...they suck. none of them even raised the issue to me. it's like I don't even exist. Thank God I won't have to waste any of my efforts for them.
Other than that, I can't stand my immediate boss and the rest. They are so Anal and condescending. I feel like I'm in high school all over again because it's about the cool/uncool culture. Get over it.
Like the highschool geeks are overachievers at this place and act like theyre the coolest in the investment world, hangin till late, and I'm the one with the attitude problem because I actually have a life after work.
At 1:32 AM ,
Baroque said...
;) nice blog
At 4:25 PM ,
nonnah said...
Sexy Goba,
I'm glad you've decided to post again. I think you're talented and funny =p
And I feel you girl, good u'll be leaving your work and all that highschool drama =D
Keep it up!
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