Mom Please
It annoys me when my mother goes on about how great people are just because they are beautiful. She goes on and on praising them. She doesn't know the real deal, I know alot about these people, she goes on praising like their shareefat makah... Mom Please.
Yes every beautiful person will turn heads, but, there is so much more than just being beautiful and how you define it.
However in our society, beauty wins and that's where it stops.
At 2:30 PM ,
Unknown said...
hi :) its my first time in your bloge
but there alot infoormation bettwen the line
ma gdrt afhm shno tbeen tw9leleh bs etha elee fe balee 9e7 :)
blive me be like a start pople tird when they look at it ;)
At 10:45 PM ,
Hazolat said...
oh my god! I just wrote a post called "il 7ilo Mar7oom"
Isn't that frustrating .. shallow society .. Laa Bas ham intizayan and try 2 beautify ourselves Bilati walatain :-)
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