Real Work-out
I don't think mobile phones should be allowed at the gym. Here are some observations at a ladies gym:
Waiting for phone call:
They Carry their phone while on treadmill because they're waiting for a call or sending messages(obviously attention is deviated, so wat's the point of even working out when you're not concentrating?)
Talking on the phone:
How can they get a real sweat when they're also talking? I know I can't.
I don't know man... or these people who just TALK TO each other while working out, obviosuly u ain gonna lose weight there unless you're walkin on the treadmill..
Their convos are either about food, chocolates and how they crave it or complaining about their jobs.
Another thing I noticed is how Olders ladies or young gurls STARE at someone who's fit and toned.
Move that ASS instead.
Waiting for phone call:
They Carry their phone while on treadmill because they're waiting for a call or sending messages(obviously attention is deviated, so wat's the point of even working out when you're not concentrating?)
Talking on the phone:
How can they get a real sweat when they're also talking? I know I can't.
I don't know man... or these people who just TALK TO each other while working out, obviosuly u ain gonna lose weight there unless you're walkin on the treadmill..
Their convos are either about food, chocolates and how they crave it or complaining about their jobs.
Another thing I noticed is how Olders ladies or young gurls STARE at someone who's fit and toned.
Move that ASS instead.
At 1:25 AM ,
Baroque said...
true true!
as for the fit part, i don't stare i give a complimentary "way to go" glance..
wishing desperatly that some day i will be like that..
as for the mobiles.. i throw mine in the locker, gym time is my time!
At 8:09 AM ,
N.A. said...
Yeah a lot of ladies in my gym "slow-walk" on the treadmill for 5 or 10 minutes. They're a bit...heavy. With that work out, I think that they think they're doing a fantastic job. Denial!?
I carry my ipod with me. Dance music makes me unstoppable. Hahahahaha.
At 8:24 AM ,
nonnah said...
Lol, that's so true.
It's good you guys are being energetic and setting a time to visit the gym.
I can't remember the last time i worked always worn out..I dont know from waht..maybe from sleeping so much ;p
You go Girl!
At 10:11 AM ,
sexygoba said...
Baroque: Yes throw your mobile in the locker! That's the way to go!
N.A.: Music is one way to get me running, but no Nora Jones. Her album brings me down BIG-TIME! ;P
nonnah: You better get your ass in the gym. Your sleeping is killing me.
At 10:43 PM ,
Hazolat said...
Some people don't like excercise but have to cuz they're overweight, so they chat 2 friends in order to yamshi il Wakt. Intay Sh7arich? :-P
At 5:03 PM ,
2 Second Club ® said...
off topic.. is that you scuba diving? :)
At 10:19 PM ,
sexygoba said...
Hazolat: Overweight people should get rid of their phones the most at the gym, because they need to concentrate on losing their excess.
Don: Ah no, I wear wet suits when I dive. ;)
At 11:33 AM ,
2 Second Club ® said...
still sexy as hell.. :)
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