Weekend Bitch
I cut off bitching in real life, it's killing me, so I’m gonna start speaking in here. The reason is because I hardly trust and then you never know how it comes back to u. I’m gonna make it a weekly thing and let’s see if I feel better and more chilled.. If you guys wanna bitch too, feel free to join.
‘N’: I can’t stand the way you repeat things a gazillion times. You sound like a radio from the way you speak with no pauses. Please, take a breather. It will make you less agitated all the time and try to smile during meetings rather than look like you’re ready to take a blow. AND please HYGIENE. I wanted to kill you after u couldn’t stop touching ur eyes, and ears and then MY MOUSE. Eft.
‘R’: Your body language and eye contact piss the hell out of me. The way you stand right behind me every morning before the meetings, REALLY MAKES ME wanna turn around and SCREAM. PLEASE, we don’t need to go together and when you speak to me, don’t come too close.
‘S’: The fact that you’re getting married with your colorful background is SO UNFAIR. SO SO UNFAIR.
‘G’: The reason we don’t hang is because you wanna dig things out of me all the time. I don’t have valuable information. I’m not a gold mine in Nigeria. I haven’t seen in u ages. Sadly, I don’t miss u, The WAY you front, copy my style and try to be ‘ME’ is annoying. They told me, I never believed them and now I can see it. Make it less obvious sista and be real. (Not everyone should like u) I feel like a kid saying this but can’t do nothing when u act like one ALL THE TIME around me.
‘N’: Your messages every week with the same question annoys me. CHANGE THE question. In emails, messages, on the phone : you ask me the same GODDAMN QUESTION. Movies suck and I say that to u EVERYTIME. So change it with dinner or something until a good movie comes out.
‘N’: Your Hollywood lifestyle is really not cool. You know why I think so? Because you’re it’s not original of u. Everything you do is because others have done it - although the way you do it is way better. Oh ya, I’d rather you keep personal things we talk about between us rather than share them with ‘foreigners’ who YOU KNOW and I have warned u will blab it out in the spiciest way.
Now, I let it all out but don’t mean I don’t love em. There’s just some stuff…. Sometimes…. I need to get off my chest.
‘N’: I can’t stand the way you repeat things a gazillion times. You sound like a radio from the way you speak with no pauses. Please, take a breather. It will make you less agitated all the time and try to smile during meetings rather than look like you’re ready to take a blow. AND please HYGIENE. I wanted to kill you after u couldn’t stop touching ur eyes, and ears and then MY MOUSE. Eft.
‘R’: Your body language and eye contact piss the hell out of me. The way you stand right behind me every morning before the meetings, REALLY MAKES ME wanna turn around and SCREAM. PLEASE, we don’t need to go together and when you speak to me, don’t come too close.
‘S’: The fact that you’re getting married with your colorful background is SO UNFAIR. SO SO UNFAIR.
‘G’: The reason we don’t hang is because you wanna dig things out of me all the time. I don’t have valuable information. I’m not a gold mine in Nigeria. I haven’t seen in u ages. Sadly, I don’t miss u, The WAY you front, copy my style and try to be ‘ME’ is annoying. They told me, I never believed them and now I can see it. Make it less obvious sista and be real. (Not everyone should like u) I feel like a kid saying this but can’t do nothing when u act like one ALL THE TIME around me.
‘N’: Your messages every week with the same question annoys me. CHANGE THE question. In emails, messages, on the phone : you ask me the same GODDAMN QUESTION. Movies suck and I say that to u EVERYTIME. So change it with dinner or something until a good movie comes out.
‘N’: Your Hollywood lifestyle is really not cool. You know why I think so? Because you’re it’s not original of u. Everything you do is because others have done it - although the way you do it is way better. Oh ya, I’d rather you keep personal things we talk about between us rather than share them with ‘foreigners’ who YOU KNOW and I have warned u will blab it out in the spiciest way.
Now, I let it all out but don’t mean I don’t love em. There’s just some stuff…. Sometimes…. I need to get off my chest.
At 11:17 AM ,
N.A. said...
Oh boy, too many 'N's being bitch slapped here. I hope I'm not one of 'em! Heh.
So, what's going to be my "thing" that annoys you. hahah. I would love to know :P
Lovely post.
At 11:22 AM ,
sexygoba said...
LOL. ya i realized there are too many N's, ha ha ha
Hmm u annoyed me in Londres ;P hahaahha kidding.
At 5:21 PM ,
Dakhtour said...
LoooooooooooooL at the idea but i guess if any of them read it it's gonna be the end between u guys :)
but hey about the first (N).... Thanx god she didn't touch her nose too b4 touching ur mouse :P
At 8:35 PM ,
sexygoba said...
ZIZOTIME: lol...today 'v' WAS LIKE TOUCHING EVERYTHING. nose, ears, eyes, mouth...AND THEN my mouse! I was soooooooo pissed! next time I'm bringing the DETTOL SPRAY!
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