How Bizarre
You know when people go on about how there’s a slight chance things could happen. Such as : ‘there’s a 10% chance that this could happen to you, so don’t worry about it.’. I don’t buy that shit and I don’t think whatever amount of percentage to release anxiety will ever release it. SHIT HAPPENS.
It always happens to me. I can’t lie because I always get caught.
I usually bump into people getting down with stuff that they wouldn’t want anybody to know about.
I sometimes read emails (V. SHOCKING INFO) by mistake. (It's usually in my face screaming 'READ ME' so I HAD NO CHOICE)
I don’t regularly see some people, but when I do, I see them at the places that are the most bizarre. AT THE TRAFFIC LITE, I SAW THIS GUY (THAT MY COLLEGUE WAS TRYING TO HOOK ME UP WITH) GETTING IT ON WITH HIS WHITE CHICK! Hook up alrite!
What’s more odd than one of my friends bumping into a blogger (both don’t live in the country that they were at) but I do – she told me about it (obviously she doesn’t know he’s a blogger) but when I put the pieces in place, it was he…
Blank expressions. All the time now. To whatever the case may be.. I feel I’m livin in a sitcom, hoping that things could turn my way (the way I want it to B) ONE DAY rather than all the drama I have to live and later laugh about it.
Small percentages can make big differences. It only takes a little pull.
It always happens to me. I can’t lie because I always get caught.
I usually bump into people getting down with stuff that they wouldn’t want anybody to know about.
I sometimes read emails (V. SHOCKING INFO) by mistake. (It's usually in my face screaming 'READ ME' so I HAD NO CHOICE)
I don’t regularly see some people, but when I do, I see them at the places that are the most bizarre. AT THE TRAFFIC LITE, I SAW THIS GUY (THAT MY COLLEGUE WAS TRYING TO HOOK ME UP WITH) GETTING IT ON WITH HIS WHITE CHICK! Hook up alrite!
What’s more odd than one of my friends bumping into a blogger (both don’t live in the country that they were at) but I do – she told me about it (obviously she doesn’t know he’s a blogger) but when I put the pieces in place, it was he…
Blank expressions. All the time now. To whatever the case may be.. I feel I’m livin in a sitcom, hoping that things could turn my way (the way I want it to B) ONE DAY rather than all the drama I have to live and later laugh about it.
Small percentages can make big differences. It only takes a little pull.
At 6:57 PM ,
N.A. said...
I love it when I catch someone in an awkward act. It always makes me crack up! It's true what you said! It's like living in a sitcom!
You're not a good liar aren't ya?! Come come, I'll teach ya some tricks ;)
Lurve the post gurl!! HAHA ;Pp
At 9:33 AM ,
sexygoba said...
N.A.: ARE U LYING!? ;PPP Welcome back..and Can't wait until u start workin here!
J: OMG.. I can't believe this! Can you imajine..the picture is still in my head..What I saw him do and then when he turned his head..It was his face!!! I really can't describe it! ahahahah...
Neways, let's hope, next time our hook ups are decent NORMAL guys
At 6:29 PM ,
Mia said...
Your life sounds alot like mine. Always expect the unexpected because it tends to find me at the most akward moments!
At 5:16 PM ,
mashael alhajeri said...
like they say give out positive energy to receive positive feedbacks...I am in a feng shui mode right x x x ( but think about worked for 3000 years) nice post though...check out mine might find it very interesting... x x x
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