I wish I wish I WISH
There are so many lives I wanna experience, places I’d love to live for a while, and adventurous rendezvous.
I wish I could say that ‘I love it here in Dubai’ knowing that I don’t like living in most of the places that I really want to live in..because I lived there and felt that despite all the good fun, hustle and bustle, there’s no place like home…
If I had a magic wand, I’d be in a jungle somewhere, hiking, swimming, taking pictures, talking to the natives and coming back with a zillion and one pictures and one hell of an experience…I wanna be close to the ocean, dive with the sharks, surf a bigass wave and feel as fit as ever with the sexiest tan…I’ll eat seafood day and night, listening to Cuban bolero, doin the dance in a run down authentic restaurant with good food and happy people who’s faces are lit with smiles and laughter and cheers to another good day..No worries, no need for lavishness…Just enjoying the little things far far away from the rest of the world.
SNAP! My background is nothing but Indian accents, the sound of the A/C (which is really cold) and I’m thinking about lunch. I should get back to world markets.
I wish I could say that ‘I love it here in Dubai’ knowing that I don’t like living in most of the places that I really want to live in..because I lived there and felt that despite all the good fun, hustle and bustle, there’s no place like home…
If I had a magic wand, I’d be in a jungle somewhere, hiking, swimming, taking pictures, talking to the natives and coming back with a zillion and one pictures and one hell of an experience…I wanna be close to the ocean, dive with the sharks, surf a bigass wave and feel as fit as ever with the sexiest tan…I’ll eat seafood day and night, listening to Cuban bolero, doin the dance in a run down authentic restaurant with good food and happy people who’s faces are lit with smiles and laughter and cheers to another good day..No worries, no need for lavishness…Just enjoying the little things far far away from the rest of the world.
SNAP! My background is nothing but Indian accents, the sound of the A/C (which is really cold) and I’m thinking about lunch. I should get back to world markets.
At 7:12 PM ,
Mia said...
Come run away with me to the peace corps! It sounds like you suffer from wander lust just like me. If I could i'd travel all over the world.
At 2:34 PM ,
sexygoba said...
Mia: I really wish I could take some time and travel to some exotic places that are not cities!
When are u going to join peace corps and for how long!? Just so u know, I admire you for that! ;)
At 7:27 PM ,
nonnah said...
Heheh, mashalla your wish list is so long :P heheh but yah, from time to time, i think everyone needs some place to escape to...
mine is ..Skull Island (from king kong?) ;p
At 11:45 PM ,
Mia said...
I already signed up and should be leaving next year after I complete a minor I wanted to add to my BA degree. Most likely I will be gone for two years. Come with me! Yullah!
At 1:42 PM ,
nonnah said...
Where are you...why arent you posting haaaaa?
At 4:36 AM ,
Equalizer said...
Its good to imagine and dream. It becomes a goal in life and all you have to do is figure out how to reach it. Well just as long as its realistic.
At 10:57 AM ,
sexygoba said...
Nonnah: Happy!? heheeh
Equalizer: Welcome to my blog and you are so right!
At 5:29 AM ,
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