Excite me

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Sometimes there are things that happen to us that's no baskin 31 flavor, and u know when they say 'IT'S ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL GUUUUUUUUUUD'. Well, lemme tell you something folks, it is all good..

Whatever happens, wherever you are supposed to be, whoever you meet, all the whatevers that happen to you, all the whomevers that you meet, and all the whenevers that happen....is part of fate..is part of how we enrich our experiences and make the best out of whatever that is happening to us at THAT momento...

Shaping up, even if you have 5 minutes left, will make a difference...

Trust me..I know

That's the beauty of life..What goes up, Must come down (Quoting the first persona whos ever said this)

So next time you see dog poop on your carpet, don't whine about it, change it and you'll see, your living room looks much better with wooden floors...Would you have known that if that doggie didn't poop?


Friday, November 03, 2006

Can you keep a secret?

A secret will leak out eventually. If not today, tomorrow, the day after, years..who cares but..it will leak. So if you think your secret's safe, think again!!


damn you suga!

Higggggggh. Now, does anyone know any other 'healthy' alternatives to pump me up other than a can of COCA?